
  • How to change your profile

    Go to profile on the menu Click on 'My Profile' This is what you can edit in each page About me Name Email Nickname Date of birth Bio What am I looking for Gender interest Language Relationship interest Religion Height Weight Smoke Drink Nationality Citizen interest Body type Gallery images You...
  • How to change your password

    Go to 'Profile' in the menu Click on 'Privacy' You can change your password here by entering Current Password, New Password and confirming your new password
  • How to get Premium

    Head over to 'Profile' on menu Underneath your name, you'll see a box which says enjoy all 'Enjoy All Benefits' Click 'Get Premium' And select your preferred package of 1 month, 3 months and 6 months
  • How to cancel my Premium subscription

    Head to 'Profile' in menu  Click on 'Billing' This will bring up your IOS App Store or Google Play Store subscription page to cancel
  • How to change the language of the app

    Head to 'Profile' in menu Click on 'App Settings'  On the 'Language' dropdown, click which language you need
  • How to block a user

    Go to that chat screen with the person Click on the triple dots, and click 'Block user' Click 'Block User' on the confirmation screen
  • How to delete your account

    Head to 'Profile' on the menu Go to 'Privacy' Click on the red text box that says 'Delete Account' To confirm your deletion, type 'DELETE' into the text box and click on 'Confirm Delete' and your account will be deleted
  • How to hide your online status

    Go to 'Chat' on the menu At the top right, click the toggle button that says 'Show Online'
  • How to increase the text size for better accessibility

    Head to 'Profile' on menu Go to 'App Settings' Under the 'Text size' You can try different sizes and choose which one to your preference
  • How to match with people

    Head to 'Match' on the menu Click the Love Heart to match Click the dislike button to not match  Click the message button to message the other user
  • How to report a user

    On your chat with another user, you can click the 'triple dots' at the top and fill at the report form that comes up. Alternatively on another users profile, you can click the 'triple dots' there at the top right and report user and fill out the form
  • How to see a user's information

    On another user's profile. You can click the ( i ) information icon near the bottom. This will show the user's bio and all other information they have filled out for their profile.
  • How to see our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy

    Go to 'Profile' on the menu Head to 'About' There both the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy can be found in the list
  • How to send feedback/complaints

    Go to 'Profile' on the menu bar Click on 'About' Go to 'Contact Support' enter your subject and feed/complain You can also click the microphone icon on the app that floats about and report an issue there
  • How to unmatch a user

    On a person you have matched with, you can click the 'triple dots' on the top right of either their profile or your chat with them and click 'Unmatch User'. Please keep in mind, unmatching is a permanent action on both normal Jubley and Premium Jubley.